July 15, 2019

SAMS on media

* The fifth series of the program “Cognitive Impulse” on LTV explains different applications of sensors. The sensors of the SAMS-technology are among the discussed sensors.

(SAMS in LTV, Latvia, on June 11, 2020)

*  LLU zinatenieki attalinati vac datus par izmainam bisu stroposLLU scientists remotely collect data about the changes in bee colonies

(Published in “Zemgales Ziņas” newspaper on May 7, 2020)

*  Lebah Bukan Sekedar Penghasil Madu / Bees Are Not Merely Honey Producers

(Published in “Pikiran Rakayat” newspaper on July 23, 2018)

*  Mendorong Dampak Nyata Riset Pada MasyarakatEncouraging the Real Impact of Research on the Community

(Published in “Pikiran Rakayat” newspaper on July 23, 2018)

*  Olahan Madu, Nilai Tambah bagi Penjaga KelestarianThe Processed Products of Honey; Added Value for Keeping Sustainability

(Published in “Pikiran Rakayat” newspaper on July 23, 2018)

Pembelajaran dari Lebah MaduLesson From Honey Bees

(Published in “Pikiran Rakayat” newspaper on July 23, 2018)