Required level of usability to meet identified user needs expressed in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction in a specified context of use.
(CPUX-UR – Curriculum (Version 1.3, June 2016))
1. Quantitative user requirements are acceptance criteria for the effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction of the interactive system, for example whether users can solve a particular task with the system in an acceptable time or with a specified maximum number of use errors.
2. The elements of a quantitative user requirement
- The stakeholder who issued the requirement (e.g. employer or legislator)
- User group(s) concerned who have to fulfil the requirement during use
- The number or percentage of users who have to fulfil the requirement
- Object of use (task object (in the user interface), tool)
- Quantities (e.g. maximum available time, error rate, precision)
- Special condition(s) of the context of use under which the use takes place
3. Sources of quantitative user requirements
- Quantitative user needs in the context of use (e.g. “The patient must close his/her eye within 60 seconds in order to have enough moisture on the retina.”)
- Stakeholders who define acceptance criteria for the usability of an interactive system (e.g. for a usability test)
(CPUX-UR – Curriculum (Version 1.3, June 2016))
Example in SAMS Context
90% of all Beekeepers who have used the advisory support system at least twice must be able to find information about the beehive temperature in 30 seconds.
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