What the interactive system should be capable of from the point of view of the stakeholders.
1. Stakeholder requirements can be classified as follows:
- Legal / regulatory requirements (stakeholder is “Legislator”)
- Market requirements (stakeholder is “Purchaser / Purchase decision maker”)
- Organisational requirements (stakeholder is “Management of the organisation”)
- Functional requirements (stakeholder is “indirect user”, i.e. a user of the work products that were created by the direct user using the interactive system)
- User requirements
qualitative: (stakeholder is “direct user”)
quantitative: (stakeholder is from one or more of the stakeholder groups mentioned above)
2. Stakeholder requirements from one category can lead to further stakeholder requirements in other categories.
3. Requirements for the interactive system are formulated so as to implement the stakeholder requirements. (see system requirements)
4. The degree to which stakeholder requirements are implemented determines the human-centred quality of the interactive system.
(CPUX-UR – Curriculum (Version 1.3, June 2016))
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